Logo with Holiday Scottish HIghlands in white with white mountain on navy background

We’re big fans of Christopher Swan’s photography. You’ve probably seen us share some of his fantastic images of Harris in the Outer Hebrides on social media. If not, you’ve missed out! Christopher is an award-winning professional photographer from Glasgow who is constantly drawn to the wild landscapes of the Highlands and Islands. His latest project is “Bless the Weather” and he’s kindly shared some of his images below.

“Bless the Weather” exhibition and “Meet the Artist” event

If you’re going to be on the Outer Hebrides this winter, you are lucky enough to be able to see some of Christopher’s images of Harris in person. The Talla Na Mara Community Enterprise Centre in Pairc Niseaboist, Harris, is holding a special exhibition of his photos. You can see a selection of images from “Bless the Weather” his long-term project documenting the land, sea light and seasons of the West Coast of Harris throughout the changing seasons. This follows on from an earlier project, a book of photos of Harris, called “Harris in the Spring”.

Christopher Swan -

There is also a special opening night event on 04 October 2018 where you can “meet the artist” too.

Christopher Swan -

Christopher Swan Exhibition

01 October 2018 @ 8:00 am – 31 December 2018 @ 5:00 pm

Christopher Swan Exhibition Opening Evening

04 October 2018 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Meet Christopher and view his atmospheric landscape photography.

Talla na Mara – how to get there

See the Talla na Mara website for details.

If you do make it to the exhibition, please share some pics with us on social media.

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