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Katie Heron runs Taigh Ailean Hotel (Gaelic for Alan’s house) in Portnalong and shares her favourite things to do on the Isle of Skye.

Katie Heron & husband, Johnny

Katie Heron & husband, Johnny

About me

I run a small hotel and bar on the Isle of Skye with my husband, Johnny, and our sausage dog, Fritz von Krumm. We specialise in making people feel at home and having a happy holiday. Johnny runs the kitchen and I run the bar and the bed and breakfast side of things. It works very well unless we invade each other’s territory with “good ideas”. Fritz doesn’t run anything but he does specialise in being very sweet and eating unspeakable things on the beach.

Fritz von Krumm, sausage dog

Fritz von Krumm, sausage dog

How long have you lived here?

We moved to Skye 18 months ago. I had never been to the Hebrides and Johnny had only been once on a fact-finding mission. Our only criteria were that we had to be able to wake up in the morning, look out of the window and say “Wow, we live here”. Oh and that we definitely, absolutely positively, no way were going to buy a pub. But I fell in love with the photos, packed up all our worldly goods and we’ve never looked back.

Isle of Skye: things to do

Favourite beach on the Isle of Skye

Katie's favourite beach, Isle of Skye

Katie’s favourite beach, Isle of Skye

Well, I’m not sharing my most favourite as it’s always empty. But my second favourite beach is Glenbrittle. Excellent sand for dog romping and a tide that goes out a long way and stunning scenery. You drive past the Fairy Pools, crammed full of cars and tour buses and a few minutes later you’re on a beach maybe with half a dozen people and an otter.

Best walk

Fairy Glen: as of yet still fairly undiscovered wander in the North of the Island. Gentle green lumps, stunning views and beautiful space…..

Most special time of year

Spring. Green shoots, longer days, lambs, auroras , lambs, sunshine, langoustines back in the loch…. Did I mention lambs?

The one thing every tourist should do

Book a day out with either Skye Ghillie or Skye Adventure depending on your interests. See the island in a completely different  way and benefit from these chaps’ unique perspective and experience.

Favourite road or drive

From our hotel to Carbost. Single track (with lots of passing places), amazing views of Loch Harport and the Cuillins, space, fresh air… Just right for the dog to have his head out of the window listening to a bit of Dolly Parton.

Most loved view

From Café Arriba in Portree. Looking out the window onto the bay on a clear and crispy Spring day. Also looking across the table at an amazing cup of coffee and the best macaroni cheese in the Universe.

Favourite place to eat and drink

Apart from our amazing Munros Bar of course, where it would be fresh local langoustines on a bed of Tina’s Portnalong leaves accompanied by one of our 28 Scottish gins, probably Harris.

Loch Bay Restaurant in Stein which was recently taken over by award winning chef Michael Smith. This restaurant is charming, friendly and unpretentious. The saddle of rabbit starter is to die for.

Holiday Scottish Highlands & Islands says…

Thanks, Katie, for sharing some great things to do on the Isle of Skye. And I don’t blame you at all for keeping your favourite beach a secret. I love that your only criteria when looking for a house was to be able to look out of your window and say “Wow, we live here”. Take a look at Katie’s blog too. She admits she’s not that into blogging but her sense of humour really comes across/ It’s a shame she doesn’t blog more but I suppose she has a few more important things to do.

Find out more about Taigh Ailean Hotel

Facebook: Taigh Ailean Hotel – Alan’s House
Twitter: @AlansHouseSkye


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