#NaeStrawAtAw - Ullapool becomes first plastic straw-free village in Scotland

admin posted 7 years ago

Updated: 22 December 2017

#NaeStrawAtAw School children approaching local businesses 2

As of 20 December 2017 all cafes, bars & restaurants in Ullapool are plastic straw-free. The people of Ullapool believe that this is the first plastic straw-free village in Scotland – possibly the UK, thanks to Ullapool Primary and Sunnyside Primary School in Glasgow and their #NaeStrawAtAw campaign in response to the growing problem of plastic pollution in the oceans and on land.

#NaeStrawAtAw School children approaching local businesses 2

#NaeStrawAtAw Sunnyside Primary School children approaching local businesses about their campaign to rid of plastic straws

Noel (@klondyker) told us:

“The kids started campaigning when Sunnyside Primary came up in September – they are a primary school in Glasgow who are very active in marine and environment things. Both schools visited the businesses personally to ask if they’d consider changing from plastic straws.

They gave them alternatives ranging from paper and compostable PLA to reusables. Most businesses swapped straight away some others took a little longer as the alternatives are dearer. Sunnyside came up with the hashtag #NaeStrawAtAw and are campaigning in Glasgow too. Ullapool is smaller so we were able to get 14 businesses to either stop using straws or offer alternatives. Even Tesco is going to offer paper straws in January.”

An Ullapool schoolchild with a poster promoting the #NaeStrawAtAw campaign

An Ullapool schoolchild with a poster promoting the #NaeStrawAtAw campaign

It’s great to see children so involved in protecting our environment and you can support their campaign by sharing this post and saying “Nae” to a straw next time you’re out. If you really love using a straw or find it easier to drink through one, there are reusable straws available such as these stainless steel straws which you can get on Amazon.

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